Sunday, October 3, 2010

Leaf Removal in Muskegon Michigan

   This year with a lack of income by many property owners in Muskegon Michigan it's going to be imperative that they get the best prices for this falls' leaf clean-up and removal.
Fortunately for them there are people like the locally owned and operated company named Watkins Services.

 We have a webpage for a brief overview of our prior experience and know how.
We are looking for your home lawn and your business, we manage commercial, industrial and residential property clean-ups alike and if your looking for the best prices we're always negotiable with low income and elderly property owners we even did some at cost last year or for dinner and or lunch for our team.
We're not only in it to make the money, we're in it to make our community a better place with happy healthy families and properties like yours' one day at a time.
                                 Please take a moment and think about it,
See if what we can do for you fits your budget by contacting us for a completely free no obligation estimate.

These are just a few services we provide in addition to many many more as a local business.
leaf removal
fall clean-up

leaf clean-up
commercial contractors
registered lawn care
tree trimming
power washing

Snowplowing in Western Michigan
Fence building install and repair
Mulch installation
Patio blocks
Retaining Walls
Aeration and Thatch Removal.

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